Alison James works tirelessly across an international stage to bring together like minded creativity driven people who wish to disseminate their skills and experiences to others. Alison is hugely respected by the Creativity Community of Practice (C-COP), and has made a significant imprint on its community. It is a huge honour to have Alison as a lead on this programme.
Neil condenses some of the most influential youth work taking place in European secondary education in each editorial.
Mark brings you insights and up to date communications on developing global projects and forthcoming Summits.
Jennie is here to share her expertise in planning and running creative festivals and CPDs across a broad educational framework.
Todd Lubart is Professor of Psychology at the Université Paris Descartes. and former member of the Institut. Universitaire de France.
Daisey and James both bright emerging young composers, investigate the marginalisation of Music from global education curriculums - how do we convince governments of the importance of integrating music into our daily life.
Reports brought to you by one of the most influential international writers on creativity.
Amy is an inspirational scholar who has campaigned tirelessly throughout her own education to develop greater awareness of the exigencies and barriers that hold back dyslexic learners in our institutions . Amy regularly talks to schools and universities,campaigning for greater dyslexia awareness.
Holly is a art graduate who campaigns for greater support and inclusion of autistic students in mainstream education. She has written on the importance creativity can play in educative emersion.
Charlie-Rose is a full time student balancing a Post-Sixteen education with being a Home Carer. Her cogent influence on disseminating strategies that enable other Home Carers to receive the very best learning and care support is illuminating the educational networks.
Supporting the celebration of creative work from UNITY schools partnership in the UK
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Editorial articles supporting the continued establishment of curriculum entitlement. POST REQUIRED
Andy is Director of Research School and Teaching School at Unity Schools Partnership. He is a member of the Royal Society Education Committee and has a particular interest in utilising evidence around effective implementation at a variety of scales within school improvement. Andy has extensive experience of school and system leadership gained from senior leadership in secondary schools over the past 20 years and most recently through his work leading the Unity Research School and as Teaching School Council EENEL Local Lead for Suffolk. These roles increasingly draw on effective collaboration and partnership working within evidence-based school improvement activity. Andy works tirelessly to support educators, and particularly young professionals. We are so pleased he is able to support this platform and young professionals reading it.
The co-ordinator of everything we set out to achieve - a brilliant creative.