Hear our CYF voices at the One Earth, One Health, One With Summit

Madison, WI – The Institute for Zen Leadership, together with the Perma Leadership Project, will host a global virtual summit: One Earth, One Health, One With – a Leadership Summit for People, Planet and the Future, April 20-26, 2023. To optimize opportunities for connection, networking, and practice sharing, the summit was hosted online using vFairs’ cutting-edge virtual event platform.

 An extraordinary group of 50+ speakers and teachers as well as leaders worldwide who care about the thriving of people, planet and our future  explored how to be a healing force amid the climate crisis.

  • What does nature and this time of global crisis call forth in us as leaders?
  • How do we connect with the healing power of nature and heal the world around us?
  • How can we be resourced in our work with heartfelt connectedness?
  • Resource yourself with powerful tools, skills, practices, relationships, and connectedness with the natural world for essential wisdom and resilience.
    • Gain insights from experts in climate change and health, education, regeneration, and leadership around the work to be done and a felt sense of your place in it.
    • Awaken to the power of connectedness as your foundation for leadership, guided by nature, Zen, and Indigenous wisdom.
    • Get clarity on actions you can take, including ways to apply a perma leadership approach to something you’re working on.
    • Develop embodied practices from the stillness of meditation to the joy of dance and power of tai chi, to experience the healing power of one-withness.
    • Build relationships, join initiatives and connect with a vibrant community of practice that help you take action.
    • WHO ATTENED? Health professionals, educators, non-profit, public sector and business leaders, Indigenous leaders, community leaders, embodied practitioners, permaculture designers, ecologists, integralists, climate activists, inheritors of the climate crisis, and everyone who senses the suffering of the climate crisis and is committed to making a healing difference.